Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy is such a special time for a woman. It’s essential to keep the body healthy, stress levels low, and energy reserves up during these demanding 40 weeks. Acupuncture is a perfect add-on for supporting a healthy pregnancy. It has been used for over 2000 years to help with some of the unwanted pregnancy symptoms like nauseaback pain, and heartburn. It can also promote easy labor and speed postpartum healing.

Even if your pregnancy goes smoothly, I recommend having acupuncture at least monthly for a Happy Baby session. The classic texts say if you needle the beautiful baby point during pregnancy, the woman will have a happy baby who sleeps easily through the night. Here’s more information if you’d like to read up on it.

It’s essential during pregnancy to support the mother’s Kidney energy. The Kidney is responsible for reproduction, development, growth, and birth. The baby uses the mother’s Kidney energy to grow and develop during pregnancy, so mom needs even more Kidney support than usual! Acupuncture can help with this.

Also, especially during early pregnancy, we must build blood because the placenta’s formation depends on the mom’s healthy blood.

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I also offer Birth Prep acupuncture starting at around week 36. We schedule weekly sessions for weeks 36-39 and then twice weekly for 40-42 (rarely are those last couple of weeks needed). These birth prep sessions will shorten labor, reduce stress, and address any other issues you may have during this later pregnancy stage. 

I do not induce or otherwise promote labor. It is too harsh for the baby (and often for the mother). Instead, I prefer to be proactive and start prepping the body for labor at around week 36. 

Acupuncture Can Help With All These Pregnancy Complaints

Morning sickness & nausea
Insomnia & fatigue
Carpal Tunnel
Threatened miscarriage
Headaches & migraines
Sciatica & backache
Labor preparation
Labor pain reduction
Postpartum care