
The Western approach to immunity is only thinking about it when we catch something.
Then we go for symptom-relieving over-the-counter (or prescription) medications – guaifenesin, Dayquil, NyQuil, Sudafed, etc.- if we’re catching a cold or are suffering from allergies.
Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to strengthen the immune system so that when these pathogens pass by, we aren’t infected—or if we are infected, we get less sick and get back to health more quickly.
With the most recent coronavirus – now is the time to start taking your immune health seriously. Sleep well, drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, exercise, and do your best to reduce stress.
Of course, acupuncture and Chinese herbs should also be part of your immune-boosting plan! Since acupuncture balances the body, it strengthens the body’s natural defense systems.
Acupuncture also reduces stress, improves digestion, improves sleep, and improves mood—all the right things to make sure your immune system is as strong as it possibly can be!
Acupuncture is gaining recognition for its ability to boost immunity—check out this article if you’d like to learn more about it.
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